7: Spirituality: Finding Your Divine Connection


“The universe wants us to be as good as we can be. The more we’re all working as our highest selves in that most positive energy, the more we can communicate subconsciously with nature and each other. It ultimately creates a better space.”

Our hosts Jessica Armstrong and McKenzie Raymond bring us along for an enlightening conversation as they explore the realms of spirituality, rituals, and the profound connection they bring to our lives. They initiate the episode by invoking divine energy and sharing a prayer from the book Wisdom Wheel. Throughout the discussion, they reveal how one can seek guidance from nature’s elements and honor the wise ones who came before. They delve into how rituals can enhance our spiritual connection and bring us back to our center in the midst of a fast-paced life.

Jessica and McKenzie share their personal journeys of spiritual healing and the art of surrender. They discuss how hitting a wall is a common experience in the healing process, but with practice, it becomes easier to transition into a healing mode. They also explore the power of letting go of control and trusting the universe to provide.

They wrap up the episode by exploring how sobriety can foster spiritual connection, how rituals can bring us closer to our spiritual selves and nature, and how embracing different spiritual beliefs can deepen our understanding of universal love and light. Tune in, and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling, happier life.

Key Topics:

  • Introduction to Today’s Topic: Spirituality (0:00:40)
  • Spirituality and Personal Growth through Rituals (0:08:38)
  • Self-Care and Spiritual Healing (0:13:16)
  • Surrender (0:20:33)
  • Trust and Connection (0:28:09)
  • Self-Discovery and Personal Growth (0:34:32)
  • Spiritual Journeys and Religious Beliefs (0:41:18)
  • Signs from the Universe (0:48:25)
  • Spirituality, Grief, and Connection with the Dead (0:55:36)
  • Closing with a Prayer (0:56:37)


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