2: Self-Worth: Owning You’re Enough


“I had no idea how much I was ignoring my self-worth in these situations and how I wasn’t showing up for myself in the way that I really needed to. I was showing up in more of the way that I think everybody else needs me to show up, or even how parts of me think I should show up. But my real self and what aligns with what I need, or who I am, is going to require me to show up in different ways at different times.”

Ever grappled with the concept of self-worth and wondered how it intertwines with our desires? Join in today as our hosts Jessica Armstrong and McKenzie Raymond explore these reflections. Together, they dissect how our second chakra influences our ability to claim our worth and harbor desires. They also dwell on the impact of guilt and shame on our ambitious dreams and the significance of setting boundaries with ourselves and others.

In their journey of self-discovery, the conversation veers towards the correlation between addiction and self-worth as they discuss their personal experiences dealing with the pressures of self-worth in the face of excess or addiction. They emphasize the importance of forgiveness, acceptance, and setting boundaries in achieving a balanced life filled with love and joy.

McKenzie and Jessica chat about how shedding limiting beliefs and staying true to oneself are vital keys to success, especially in a society heavy with expectations. They wrap up with a discussion on the healing powers of communal meditation and cold exposure, and how those activities can help manage anxiety and reset our nervous system. All this and more in this episode of The Good Enough Podcast!

Key Topics:

Introduction to the Topic: Self-Worth (02:57)

Setting Boundaries with Ourselves (04:11)

Loving Ourselves Even in the Discomfort of the Pauses (10:04)

The Ties Between Addiction and Self-Worth (15:12)

Finding Joy in the Darkness (20:07)

The Importance of Owning Your Worth (25:09)

Self-love, Self-care and Celebrating Wins (30:15) Meditation and Connection in Community (35:08)

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